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6 Questions with Hip Hop Artist Eazy Rebelle

Do you consider your music style as the new hip hop genre or classic rock with me music? And why?

I consider my music to be classic rock with me music. I feel like the new hip hop that's out right now is only out for now. It's kind of a trend, where my music has actual substance to it so any race can vibe & relate to it.

What is your style of fashion?

My style of fashion is pretty much whatever is comfortable to me. Of course I like to dress urban but I also like to get clean on them every now & then but to sum it up I would say Urban/Casual.

Do you have a favorite fashion designer right now?

No I don't have a favorite fashion designer as of now, I just like whatever look nice on me. Which is a lot because I can make any thing look good.

What inspired you to create your latest song FADED?

Well the FADED track is actually based off a true event which happened on my last birthday. I'm not a drinker but I do drink on special occasions & I was turning 25 so I made sure I enjoyed myself. I had a party at a local strip club & I was so faded they had to carry me in the strip club to my section. So everything you hear in that song is real. So that's what inspired me to create that song & everyone can relate to being FADED & enjoying yourself.

Who were your music influences when you first started your music career and why?

I was influenced by a couple different people when it comes to my music career & I don't want to sound like the typical artist when I say Tupac, but he was probably the most influential to me. I say that because he let me know that it was alright to talk about the things that go on around me in my community, the things I've been through coming up, etc because it's plenty people out here that's been through the same or worst & by me speaking out about it may help them get through what there going through. I might be that push they need to get up & change some things about them to help better them as an individual the same way he inspired me to change.

Do you have any big projects coming up in the near future?

Well I just released a project titled DIVERSE which is on Dat Piff & I'm currently working on a 6 track EP it doesn't have a title yet but that I will be releasing it later on this year.

SOCIAL SITES: IG: @eazy_rebelle TWITTER: @eazy_rebelle FB: Eazy Rebelle

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